Implementation of application the broadcasting of digital cable television, digital terrestrial and DVB-S/T/C (Digital Video Broadcasting Satellite/Terrestrial/Cabel) standard satellite, as well as HDTV (High Definition Television) contributed to the development in television broadcasting for the recent years in the republic.
Teleradio PU implements the transmission television programs via digital radio relay lines along with DVB-S, DVB-T and HDTV. The application of new technologies has offered facilities increasing the number of program, including broadcasting quality.
Video on Demand (VoD), TVoIP, Time Shifted TV, Network Personal Video Recorder, Electronic Program Guide, Near Video on Demand and etc many interactive opportunities combining itself Internet Protocol Television (İP TV) service is already submitted by Teleradio PU. The customer who has used from the above-mentioned services of IP TV gets opportunity to watch them HD, including in several languages to channels. Unlike other television broadcast means, there is no limit to the number of program in IP TV. The customer can watch more than hundred channels. The main station equipments were installed for the organization of the new IP TV service submitted by “Teleradio” PU in accordance with the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies.
There are all kinds of technical opportunity for transmission the programs to mobile operator, internet provider, any state enterprises in main station equipped with equipments produced by Harmonic Company of USA. MPEG 2 format programs are received from satellite in the main station is included to IP TV platform and local, as well as foreign more than 180 different formats (MPEG-4 Layer II, AC-3, and Dolby Digital) programs are transmitted to the appropriate addresses via fiber optic line. “Teleradio” PU is interested in cooperation with other state and private companies in this direction.
It is necessary to call the following contacts for cooperation.
Tel: (+994 12) 498-80-65/66