In accordance with the implementation of the Actions Plan on the issues will be realized for 2019 by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (MTCHT) and on the basis of the dated 08.05.2019, No. 145 / G permission letter of the National Television and Radio Council (NTRC), DAB + standard digital (stereo) broadcasting of 12 radio programs in a package on the frequency 218.6 MHz (11B) (frequency range: 174 ÷ 230 MHz) has been launched by “Radio-Television Broadcasting and Satellite Communications Production Unity” (“Teleradio” PU) from 26.08.2019 in the territory of Baku and Absheron peninsula.
For the purpose of application of digital radio, the main station equipments made by Italian companies (ITEL company), 1 kW digital radio transmitter and 1×6 antenna system (SYES company) between the levels 264 ÷ 280 m was installed and put into operation in Baku TV Tower Complex.
Digital radio broadcasting allows more efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum, more reliable reception of radio signals, and the ability to transmit information in a single frequency band in the form of video, graphics and text. It also has the advantage of broadcasting in single-frequency network (SFN) mode.
At the request of Teleradio PU, the database of the WorldDAB Forum operating in the European Broadcasting Union in Geneva and the official Internet information resource https://www.worlddab.org contain information on the launch of DAB + standard digital radio broadcasting in Azerbaijan. Thus, the list of leading European countries and the names of totally 26 countries includes the name of Azerbaijan too.